Hadji had me at "my San Fransisco yogi friends call this The Jane Fonda." But then everything had jazz hands and I was so happy I could Just Die. "This flow is gonna be like a dance, okay? And also do it like you're an animal!" And did I mention he has the greatest taste in yoga music ever:
This was the cool down portion of the morning, but also there was neo-soul funk and I THINK at one point the Suger Hill Gang came on. I told him I liked it and he said, "you know, I use whatever is good, I'll even throw some rap in there." Now THAT I want to see. I want to see if Watch The Throne will help me with crow pose.
If anyone was ever worth getting up at 7am on a Saturday for, it's Hadji.
I don't know if the other people in the class appreciated it. Well, they were mad that he was a few minutes late and they kept whispering that they were "going to say something the second this is done I mean it" and THEN you add the disco yoga, and, well. We Hate Different Things Argh Argh Grumble.
But boo on them if they get all cranky because that was exactly what I needed that morning. And the joy of the practice even followed me all the way to work: when some guy stumbled by our broadcast screaming that all our contests are fixed, and another wanted to make sure we knew that the insufficient of amount of Def Leppard we play is "a fucking DISGRACE," my first reaction wasn't neck-hairs-up defensive. It was compassion. Yeah angry people suck, but they're never angry at us, we're like the billionth thing. And people take that billionth thing out on strangers who they know can't be mean back. But what's easy to forget is the incredible sadness that makes a person lash out at someone unprovoked. Those people aren't free--not in their lives, because who is, but not even in their minds. Not in their hearts. So my first reaction was to remember the mantra we used to close class that morning:
Om Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanthu: May all beings be happy and free. And may my I live in a way that makes them so.
Further misadventures at the 30 Day Yoga Challenge page.
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